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How your donations have helped animals throughout the years.


Older But Not Forgotten

Dogs with even the slightest medical needs are often the first to be euthanized in many shelters. If you take these same medical needs and put them on a geriatric dog, it can be a… Read More


Reservation Relief

On the boarder of S. Dakota, N. Dakota and Minnesota, lies the Lake Traverse Reservation. Many parents are facing a choice between feeding and caring for their children or their… Read More


Cat healing from Surgery

Healing in Alaska

Throughout a 350 mile stretch between Houston, Alaska to Homer, Alaska, Clear Cat Rescue is the only hope for many sick or injured cats or feral cats. For the cats that most other… Read More
Cat peering through window

Salvation for Cats in Montenegro

In Montenegro, a former part of Yugoslavia, there exists no cat shelter. The local municipal shelters have scarcely a place to keep dogs (chained) that are strays. Workers brag… Read More


59 Pitbull Mixes Spayed and Neutered

Pawsitive Ohio was seeking to educate the community about pitbull breeds and decrease the amount of unaltered “bully”breed (pitbull and pitbull mixes) in the area of Stark County… Read More

15 Dogs SAVED at the last minute

Many local shelters have a "Euthanasia List" where animals who are deemed unadoptable or too expensive to care for medically, are left. These animals are awaiting death. Many… Read More


Chance the miracle dog

Chance...the Miracle Dog

It started in 2015,Chance was part of a group of dogs that was tough to catch. He would watch the rescuers/feeders leave him food but never allow them to catch him. Time went on… Read More

Dogs in Ukraine Get a Second Chance

The end of 2013 meant trouble for Ukrainians and, subsequently, their dogs. When 2 million people quickly left their homes due to political unrest, many dogs were left… Read More
dog on surgery table

Help in Ohio in Times of Need

Our calendar contest helps those in need once again! This years grand prize winner, Soul Connections of Central Ohio, received $925 from Cold Noses for getting the most votes in… Read More


Texas Hurricane Harvey Relief

Hurricane Harvey hit Texas in August, 2017 with no mercy. Both humans and animals perished. One of the biggest challenges for the rescues in the area was removing the animals from… Read More

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